I received an error when trying to add a course. What does this mean?


A setting on the section of the course you are trying to add is preventing your registration. The most common registration errors are outlined below:

Class Restriction - Only students in a particular set of classifications may register. This means that if a course requires sophomore standing, you will not be permitted to register as a first-year student.

College Restriction - Only students in a particular college may register. For example, if you are currently in the College of Arts and Sciences and wish to register for a specific engineering course limited to students in the Engineering college, you will not be permitted to register.

Department Restriction - Only students pursuing majors and minors in a particular department may register for this course. This error is most likely to occur for upper-level courses.

Duplicate Course - You may only register for a single section of a course- you may not register for more than one section of the same course.

Major Restriction - The course is reserved for a certain set of majors. You may receive this error if you have not yet declared your major, or you have a different major than required by the course. Contact the department for assistance.

Prerequisite Error -  You do not currently meet the requirements of the course; prerequisites may be found in the course catalog. Often times courses have pre-requisites, such as successful completion of Calculus I in order to register for Calculus II.

Time Conflict - The class times for two courses overlap or are at the same time (you can’t be in two places at once).

Reserve Closed - The department offering the course has set aside a specific number of seats for select groups of students based on CLASS and/or MAJOR. For example, if a department offers a course that is “popular” with all students, the department may choose to “reserve” seats for Students in ALL CLASSES (especially incoming students), so that all seats are not taken during the first day of registration. For instance, there may be a total enrollment cap of 25 seats for a class in Religion Studies (REL), but, the department will make sure they reserve at least 5 of those seats for the incoming First Year Students. So, the first 20 seats may be taken, with “5 seats available”, but those “open” seats, are really set aside for First Year Students and are, therefore, NOT available to other students. Any additional questions or requests for overrides should be directed to the offering department.

Linked Section - A linked course pertains to a course with both a lecture and a recitation/lab. In order to register for the course, you must register for both linked sections at the same time. When browsing courses on the course schedule, you can click the "View Linked" button in the Linked Sections column to view the linked labs/recitation that are associated with your course. Not all courses are linked, but this is very common with sciences, calculus, and economics. 

  • Last Updated Jun 19, 2023
  • Views 275
  • Answered By Ashley Baker

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